Free Will
My friend Lorna put out an Insta request for things we may like to hear her tackle in her Life Liberated Podcast, I said Free Will, you can hear the episode here:
Free Will, say it to yourself, sound, vibration, into the ear and through the magic of my setup I hear Free Will, wonderful but not by choice.
The "Free Will" i'm refering to here is the cerebral power (or not) to make a choice, that feeling that you're in conscious control of your desinty, that "Daddy or Chips" kind of pontification.
Now my initial thought is, can I get away with saying "I just can't belive is Free Will, there's no space for it because I fall into the Materialist, Determinist and Incompatibilist Camps" ?
What about "it's all been said before and I agree with Sam Harris, Robert Sapolsky, Thalia Wheatley and Sabine Hossenfelder" and i'm still pondering over Dennett's views?
Yes, I do think Laplace was on to something and I am ok with both cogs and random swirvings:
And at the end of the day, when I ponder about why I made a choice I think cause and effect and I reflect on what reasons and influential forces made me go for one option over the other and the amazing biological components that wire me up, and the unfathonable amount of different particles that make up my cells and chemical machinery that I have no conscious experince of, and I can't help but conclude that although I observe the output and it feels like I made a choice at no point did I get to stop the stream and direct. It's an illusion as they say. If I was able to rewind time and play out the scenario again could I have made a different choice?
Yeah Jubes but what about Joscha Bach and his interesting take on things? <3 Good point! I'm still on that path...
Now if you've reached here and you still think you have Free Will, then cool, lets talk and if you're now a wee bit skeptical or found yourself where i'm at have a think about what responsibility looks like in a world full of no will. It becomes clear that we really should be attempting to influence the world into becoming much more compassionate.
J x